Stage Music Center's experienced music instructors will help you achieve your musical goals.


Meet Stage Music Center's talented and experienced faculty

Stage Music Center's faculty is composed of very talented and passionate teachers. They are the ones who make our school such a special place to study music. They have developed strong relationships with their students and guided them to better achieve their musical goals. Some of our students have had Carnegie Hall performance opportunities through their dedicated guidance.

Our teachers have years of teaching experience and are graduates from prestigious music schools from all around the word. They also have ongoing musical experience, and have won awards in their field. Most of all, teaching music is their profession. They are great educators and communicators. They teach a variety of music programs including the Suzuki method. They will create a personal program adapted to their students' levels and needs. They will find the right approach for you, suggest innovative ways to overcome challenges, and create engaging ways to support practice.

If you are looking for caring, experienced and motivating music teachers near Winchester, MA or Acton, MA you will not be disappointed by Stage Music Center's faculty!

If your child is homeschooled, and you are looking for activities other than music lessons, you can find a variety of homeschooling resources by clicking the link below:

Featured Piano, Voice, and Drums & Percussion teachers at Stage Music Center in Winchester, MA and Acton, MA

You can read each teacher’s biography by clicking on their image.

Featured Violin, Viola, and Cello teachers at Stage Music Center in Winchester, MA and Acton, MA

You can read each teacher’s biography by clicking on their image.

Featured Bass Guitar and Acoustic and Electric Guitar teachers at Stage Music Center in Winchester, MA and Acton, MA

You can read each teacher’s biography by clicking on their image.

Featured Woodwind teachers at Stage Music Center in Winchester, MA and Acton, MA

You can read each teacher’s biography by clicking on their image.

Featured Art teachers at Stage Music Center in Acton, MA

You can read each teacher’s biography by clicking on their image.

At Stage Music Center, we guarantee: 

  • A tailored music education for your age, level & learning style.

  • Weekly one to one lessons with experienced teachers.

  • Possibilities to showcase your progress at recitals.

  • A safe learning environment.